Bio SuRice® Gold (Germinated Whole Rice), certified by Italian Organic Agriculture, OGM free, is an exceptionally innovative active principle. It contains Proteins, Amino acids and Mineral Salts, namely Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Selenium and Zinc.
It is proved that the powder extract obtained from Germinated Whole Rice sprouts can be used as an “elective active principle” in various cosmetic applications.
Thanks to its sugar content, it forms a protective barrier on the skin, able to moisturize it and let it breathe naturally, without any chemical forcing. Moreover, the presence of antioxidants like Gamma Oryzanol and Gamma Aminobutyric prevents the skin from aging.
Rice is the primary source of human food: feeding of more than half of the population is based on Rice.
In the world, annualy producing over 550 millions tonnes of Rice on more than 150 million hectares, mainly in regions with warm climate and high humidity of the tropics and subtropics, where other cereals do not thrive.
From far East the Rice takes, only after millenia, its spread to west. Only around 300 B.C. Rice cultivation began to spread also to west. Through Persia and the current Iran and Iraq, Rice came to Egypt, but took a long time before it arrived in Europe.
In Italy it seems that in 300 B.C. not yet known, if not as expensive specialty importation from very far India. At that time it was used for the preparation of medicines, that speaking about its beneficial nutritional properties.
In Italy the Rice culture is over about 220,000 hectares and localized almost entirely in the Po Valley. In Italy the annual per capita consumption of Rice is about 5,5 Kg (in Laos reaches 170 Kg per capita/year).
Rice fruit is a caryopsis always dressed (named “paddy”), the sides pressed, oblong, similar to the caryopsis of wheat.
The flowers is hermaphrodite and includes a gynoecium uniovular with stylus bifid and plumose stigma and an androecium of six stamens.
The inflorescence is a branched terminal panniculus bearing uniflora spikelets, formed from glume much smaller than lemma, the latest are much developed, laid upon to edges, flattened and enclosing the caryopsis as a box.
Rice belongs to the family of Graminaceae with over 7,000 varieties. These varieties are made from two kinds of Rice : the most important from commercial point of view is the botanical species Oryza sativa, the second, less important and less common, is Oryza Glaberrima of African origin.
In its turn, the Sativa specie is divided in two main groups :
• Indica group, including exclusively to long grain rice.
• Japonica group, including medium and short grain rice.
(photo: rice plant)