CORAL SEAWEED (Corallina officinalis)
Coral Seaweed is a red Algae (Rhodophyta). There are about 6,000 species of red Algae, most of them marine.
The Red Algae live abundant in clear tropical waters to a depht of 40 m., occasionally to 250 m. Do not contain chlorophyll (the substance that gives plants green color) and characterized by special red and blue pigments.
Several Red Algae are eatable, best known amongst these is “Dulse” (Palmaria palmate) and “Carrageen Moss” (Chondrus crispus and Mastocarpus stellatus).
The main biomass of Red Algae worldwide are provided by the “Corallinaceae” and “Gigartinaceae“.
To “Corallinaceae” belong Coralline Algae, very important group of red algae.
Coral Seaweed are exclusively marine, although some species can tolerate a reduction in salinity. Some species thrive only where light is intense, as at the crest of a coral reef, while others grow only in shaded habitats or in deep water. Most species require constant immersion.
The cellular walls of Coral Seaweed are impregnated with a form of Calcium carbonate called “Calcite“; these Seaweeds are important in the formation of Coral reefs, producing new material and cementing together other organisms.
Coral Seaweed, rich in oligo-elements (Iron, Zinc and Magnesium) and Marine derivates, performing a higly moisturizing, remineralizing and balancing action. It is particularly rich in micronutriens, and favours cell oxygenation and respiration, protecting the skin from IR (Infrared Radiations), which damages cutaneous microcirculation.
The Coral Seaweed may be considered and extraordinary biotechnological marine unit which can concentrate up to 200,000 times certain micronutrients present in sea water.
(photo: Corallina officinalis)